Keynotes On Change

RISEUP – Winning Mind. Winning Well. Winning Exponentially.

Change is about harnessing the ability to see change as an opportunity for massive personal and professional growth.

Research has shown that people with a healthy growth mindset see every mistake, obstacle, and challenges as opportunities to grow and become a stronger version of themselves in the journey.

When entire companies embrace a growth mindset, their employees report feeling far more empowered and committed; they also receive far greater organizational support for collaboration and innovation.

Successful athletic are eager to relook at their past event video, not to see how well they have done, but to assess their mistakes because those data provide tremendous opportunities to improve incrementally over time, which is why they are great!

They embrace the Growth mindset, and with it comes a high degree of Agility.

The key here is that you will not be able to respond positively to your changing environment if you don’t have a winning mentality, to begin with, and any well-intended change model would not materialise its 100 per cent potential.

Without a winning mentality, you can have the best change model in the world, but your journey will be short and narrow.

When we are undergoing change, do we resist it because it poses inconveniences, threats, and insecurity, or do we see them as stepping stones to becoming a more incredible version of ourselves?

For people with a winning mentality, setbacks are more like puzzles that are a motivation to solve.

About Your Game-Changing RISEUP Speaker – Joseph Wong

A multiple award-winning leadership transformation coach, captivating author and game changing speaker with extensive expertise in leadership and business psychology.

His understanding of the incredible power hidden in the science of human behaviour and motivation has helped organisations around the world reach new levels of productivity, performance and leadership.

RISEUP is about raising PSYCHOLOGICAL BEST LEADERS who dare to shape the world by SHOWING UP with the best version of themselves.”

The Keynote

  • Re-defining the meaning of change in our fast-moving world today.
  • How our landscape has evolved dramatically after the pandemic.
  • Are you growing and agile at the same time?
  • Unboxing the Personal Altitudes that can be easily applied back at work and in life.
  • Motivating and inspiring stories to see transformation as opportunities, not obstacles to one’s professional and personal growth.

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We understand the intricate requirement for every organisation’s keynote. Every keynote is intentionally designed so that our client’s unique message can come alive.

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