Leadership Coaching Bootcamp

Our RISEUP Leadership Coaching Bootcamp aims to optimize performance by helping our client reach their behavioural shift in the shortest time.

The Way We See Coaching

When we engage with an executive, we coach them as a whole person, not the title they hold.

We have worked with both corporate and personal clients, and here are some common and unique requests:

  • To multiply personal clarity and alignment in one’s leadership approach
  • Shifting one’s behaviour from limiting to empowering.
  • Shaping one’s belief and approach towards work and life.
  • Identifying the ingredients to increase personal focus.
  • A personal perspective coach to one’s transformation

  • We adopt a highly tailored approach to each individual, and the outcome of the coaching journey may include::

  • Developing personal leadership by removing limiting beliefs and false assumptions.
  • Creating self-regulation and co-creating a supporting belief system.
  • Instilling motivation and up-scale personal awareness.
  • Shifting behaviours that support and empower
  • Mental accountability system.

  • Our Coaching Bootcamp involves the following composition:

    SHIFT Perspectives
    SHAPE Behaviors
    SHARPEN Perofrmance

    Coaching is a personal transformation journey; success is designed, not by chance. Simply by shifting perspectives, we can adjust the sail to our advantage. Contact Us today to DESIGN your journey.
