Category RISEUP
Are You A Happy Leader?

Are You A Happy Leader?

Are You A Happy Leader? High-Growth Leaders Help Their Teams To Succeed. Evidence of positive psychology has shown that happiness does have a return on investment. We call it the Return On Happiness (ROH). In multiple keynotes and training sessions I have conducted on...

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Happiness IN Work

Happiness IN Work

A friend recently complained that she was no longer enjoying her work and exploring other options. I asked her why, and she replied that she no longer enjoying what she did for a living. She could not find a reason to get herself to the office. I asked her what she...

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A Great Induction Program is Like Cooking!

A Great Induction Program is Like Cooking!

If you have a chance to observe and talk with a chef, they will share with you that there is always a time for everything when they are cooking. You add in a particular ingredient not earlier or later, but at the right time, coupled with precise control of the fire...

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Why Induction Program Tend To Fall Flat?

Why Induction Program Tend To Fall Flat?

Imagine the exciting energy inside the room, the laughter as we walk towards the training room, the camaraderie that is present well even before the program starts. These are the few ingredients that come together to create the first impression of the organization....

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