My RISEUP Conversation today is with Kelvin, the CEO of MINDS (Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore).
It took us a while to connect due to our busy schedules, and I am glad we did.
After his morning run, we caught up for an early breakfast chat at 8 a.m.
Kelvin has an exciting career adventure, where he had the opportunity to assume the role of a military commandant, HR Director with the National Library Board and the Deputy ED of Singapore Discovery Centre.
Here are my RISEUP Insights from our breakfast.
1. Living a Purpose-Driven Life
Through my conversations with Kelvin, he is highly passionate about the social defence of Singapore.
And Social to him includes the importance of building up our youths.
What is a nation without her youths; who is the flag bearer and protector of tomorrow?
And that is why he was highly passionate about what he did when he was with Singapore Discovery Centre.
2. Always Have God In Your Plan
As a believer, it is so important to hear God.
Without God, there would be a void in your life.
But When God enters, the void will disappear, and you can walk out stronger, clearer and more purposeful.
That happened when I started RISEUP, a journey for God and with God in the Human Leadership Space/
And I was so glad that both of us resonated on how things began to shift when we believed.
And things do happen when God is in charge! 🙂
3. Moving Heart Never Ends.
Moving people’s hearts to care for the underprivileged and lending a helping hand is a lifelong journey.
In a first-world country like Singapore, it is hard to experience what real poverty and underprivileged feel like.
We read and hear about them, but we seldom get to experience them.
I do admire what Kelvin and this team are doing in the social sector.
It is not a sexy job, nor does it comes with sexy titles or attractive benefit, but people join and stay on with attrition that is so much lower compared to private organisations.
Indeed, there are things that private organisations can learn from the social sector about finding meaning in one’s job.
What’s your definition of meaning in your job?
This is Joseph@RISEUP Signing Off.
May You Transform, Flourish and Prosper In The Brand New World.
#riseup #riseupglobal #humanleadership #showup #motivation MINDSG Ltd #godisgood #hr #people