No matter how great a personality you have, how many supposedly innate strengths you possess, how much money you got, how beautiful or handsome you are, how brilliant you are or how you have succeeded in the past – none of these things matter on their own. In my...
Boost Work Performance: Simple Strategies to Achieve Your Psychological Best at Work
Let’s be real: not every day at work feels like a productive powerhouse. Some days, it’s a struggle to get out of first gear—tasks pile up, distractions creep in, and your motivation seems to vanish. Sound familiar? The good news is, you’re not alone, and better yet,...
PPI versus KPI (Featured On The Straits Times – 12 October 2018)
Do we put more emphasis on result or people? In our fast-paced world today, we tend to get caught up with Key Performance Indicator (KPI), when the fact is that humans are the ones delivering the KPI, which we called the People Performance Indicator (PPI). When you...
Learn How To Use Influence Positively (Featured On The Straits Times – 5 October 2018)
Learn How To Use Influence Positively More than 60 years of research and study have been done on human behaviour and influence, and it points to one thing - human behaviour can be highly predictable if we know the various triggers? We need to challenge our beliefs...
The True Spirit of Leadership (Featured On The Straits Times, 1 June 2018)
The Essence of Leadership If you search online for the term 'leadership,' you’ll encounter over 765 million results. Among these definitions, one particularly stands out: 'the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or the ability to do this.' This...
The Science of Happiness (Featured On The Straits Times – 15 June 2018)
THE SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS To many people, happiness continues to be a myth. Many remain in search of that happiness through tangible outcomes, be it a promotion, money, or buying more stuff that eventually ends up in the storeroom. I called it the “accidental...
Retaining Talent (Featured On The Straits Times – 15 March 2018)
RETAINING TALENT THROUGH EMPLOYEE RETENTION Organizations struggle with the concept of talent retention in a competitive job market. Often, activities held to engage their staff are just done so that they can be ticked off a checklist. Such activities lack purpose so...
Make Career Success Your Personal Mission (Featured On The Straits Times – 19 July 2018)
Take control of the direction you want to go in and the milestones you want to achieve, for career development and success should be a personal responsibility. Gone are the days where you expect your employer to lay out a career path for you. Today, employees and...
Are You Demotivating Your Staff (Featured On The Straits Times – 2 Feb 2018)
The million-dollar question on most leader’s minds is – how can they motivate their people? When I am asked that question, I say that that a more useful question to ask is not how we can motivate our people – but what we say or do as leaders that demotivates others....