
Are You A Leader People Run Towards or Away From?


I finally got to catch up with Bhawna, an experienced HR Leader.

She is an optimistic and growth mindset lady with a heart for people’s development.

We met many years ago when she was with British America Tobacco, and finally, we met again in Danone.

And it was during her Danone’s days we connected with many engagement opportunities. 

We chatted on many topics, including humanity, health, purpose and development.

And here is my takeaway from our #RISEUP conversation.


1. It has always been about the people

Organisations used to take people’s development as an optional feature. 

Just look at the mass resignation at the beginning of 2023; it reflects the people’s voice that they deserve a better space.

The good thing is, after the pandemic, there is an increased consciousness today to develop people mindfully.

If people put in their best, they expect their organisation to do their best for them too.


2. Leadership is all about PPI first.

At RISEUP,  we are all about rehumanising leadership all over again.

While KPI is important, PPI (People Performance Indicator) is important too, if not more important.

PPI is on the leaders themselves.

If we want better KPI, then talk about PPI first.


3. Are you a leader whom people run towards or away from?

I love to use this analogy in my leadership session and keynote.

Imagine today, if you are strolling on the weekend with your family, and 100 metres away, you see your boss.

Would you make a detour immediately (and yes, 100 metres is more than enough to make a run for it! Lol)

Or would you happily walk up to your boss and introduce your family to them?

Your response would reflect your boss’s leadership reputation immediately! 

There is no need for complex leadership assessment.

And the same question I like to pose to you?

What do you think is the response of your people when they see you on the street one of these days?


This is Joseph@RISEUP Signing Off.

May You TRANSFORM, FLOURISH AND PROSPER in the brand new world!

#riseup #riseupglobal #SHOWUP #leadership #team #motivation #inspiration #motivation #transformation

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