Rise Up Conference

30,000 Days: Are You Living Intentionally or Just Surviving?

Have You Ever Stopped to Think About Your Time?

Have you ever considered how many days you have left to live? What if each moment held the power to shape your path and fuel your dreams? It’s a sobering thought, isn’t it? On average a human life is about 30,000 days – 82 years.

That’s why making conscious choices, fostering connection, and embracing a lifestyle of intentionality matter—every day presents an opportunity to shape a meaningful and fulfilling life, one that aligns with your values and deepest aspirations.

Living an intentional life means taking control of your time and making things happen rather than just letting life happen to you. Some will have more, some less.

But no matter where you sit on that spectrum, one thing is for sure – every single day matters.

I didn’t always see life that way. Like many I used to just go through my days without much thought. I was waking up but I wasn’t truly living. Then life threw me into a storm that changed everything.

The Darkest 1,096 Days

My darkest days: Intentional living

For three long years – 1,096 days – I lived in darkness. A severe infection took my mobility, my business and nearly my life.

I was forced to confront everything I had taken for granted – my health, my time and even my purpose.

During those days I realised a profound truth – purpose helps you wake up every morning with direction, hope and meaning. We don’t just wake up each day to exist – we wake up to rise up.

To live intentionally.

To make every moment of our time count.

That period taught me more than I could have imagined.

It wasn’t just about surviving – it was about personal transformation.

I started to see life through a new lens – one where every day is an opportunity to create meaning and live with purpose. Read Joseph’s story.

Counting the Days

Count your days: intentional living

A few years ago a friend introduced me to an unusual practice – counting the number of days you have left. He calculated his remaining days based on the average person’s lifespan and used it as a daily reminder of how precious time is.

At first it sounded morbid. But then I realised the deeper wisdom behind it. Knowing your time is finite doesn’t limit you – it frees you to make conscious choices that align with your vision and values.It makes you ask yourself:

Am I living intentionally?

Am I aware of how I spend my time?

Am I making each day count?

This resonated with me because it aligns with my values and what I learned during my darkest days.

Life isn’t about how many days you wake up – it’s about what you do with those days. Discover how our leadership training programs can help you.

Waking Up vs. Rising Up

Waking up or rising up: Intentional living

There’s a big difference between simply waking up and truly rising up. Waking up is automatic – it’s what we do every morning when the alarm clock goes off.

Rising up though? That’s a choice. It’s deciding to live intentionally, to pursue what matters most in life and to leave behind distractions and habits that don’t serve your purpose.

It means seeking support, staying focused and recognising the energy that drives you forward.

It means taking time to reflect on your values and making conscious choices that align with the life you want to lead.

Rising up means asking yourself hard questions:

  • Am I spending my time on things that matter?
  • Am I aligning my actions with my core values?

  • Am I living in a way that feels fulfilling?

It’s not always easy to rise up – it requires effort, courage and clarity. But once you start living intentionally everything changes.

You start to see opportunities where there were once obstacles. You find joy and happiness in the little things and purpose in the big ones.

How to Start Living Intentionally

If you’re ready to rise up and make your days count here are three simple steps to get started:

  1. Reflect on Your Values – Take some time to recognise what truly matters to you. What brings you delight? What gives your life meaning? Write these down – they’re your compass for a purposeful life.

  2. Set Intentional Goals – Instead of vague resolutions like “I want to be happier” set specific goals that align with your values. For example: “I will spend 30 minutes each day connecting with loved ones” or “I will dedicate one hour a week to volunteering.”

  3. Take Small Daily Actions – Intentional living isn’t about making big changes overnight – it’s about small, daily actions that add up over time. Start each day by asking yourself: What’s one small step I can take today to live more intentionally, strengthen my connection to my purpose and remind myself of my hopes and vision? Learn more about RISEUP’s approach to leadership.

Benefits of Intentional Living

Living intentionally isn’t just about being productive – it’s about living a meaningful life.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Greater Self-Awareness – By knowing your values you gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

  • More Fulfilling Life – When you make conscious choices you align your actions with what matters most to you.

  • Improved Focus and Clarity – Living intentionally helps you stay focused on your priorities and eliminate distractions.

  • Less Stress, More Joy – When you simplify and live minimally you reduce overwhelm and increase gratitude.

  • A Lasting Legacy – Making each day count means leaving a positive impact on those around you.

Your Days Are Your Legacy

We all get roughly 30,000 days – but none of us know exactly how many we’ll have left. That’s why intentional living matters so much.

When we rise up and take control of our time we live purposeful and impactful lives.

So I ask you: Are you just waking up each day? Or are you rising up?

The choice is yours – and it starts today.

This is Joseph@RISEUP signing off.

May You Transform, Flourish and Prosper In This Brand New World.

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